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Spears School of Business

Research that makes a difference

The nationally ranked School of Entrepreneurship at Oklahoma State was founded in 2009 with the singular purpose of focusing exclusively on the study of entrepreneurship. Our current roster consists of 11 full-time faculty, eight doctoral students and post-doctoral researchers. This represents one of the largest collections of entrepreneurship researchers in the world.

Faculty researchers

Bruce Barringer

Corporate entrepreneurship, inter-organizational relationships, new venture growth

Jonathan Butler

Creativity, dark triad, imagination, cognition, passion, adversity

Per Bylund

Institutional entrepreneurship, market process theory, economic growth, regulations, Austrian economics

Kincy Madison

Family business

Curt Moore

International entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial strategy, statistical methods 

Kevin McSweeney

New venture finance, new venture strategy, innovation, institutional change

Matt Rutherford

New venture finance, family business, new venture strategy

Craig Watters

Social entrepreneurship, global social entrepreneurship

Victoria Yates

Micro entrepreneurship, social networks, family business